Good organization is essential for any successful activity. To prepare for class students first need to know what their responsibilities are. For this reason, I provide them with a detailed schedule of readings and assignments by date. See a [sample syllabus] and [another one].
To provide them with an incentive to do the readings and come to lectures, I give random quizzes throughout the semester.
To further facilitate learning, I have organized the contents of the course in an online format, which is easily accessible. Visit my [principles of microeconomics] webpage or [history of economic thought] webpage. Students can find course objectives, detailed description of topics, and links to any additional readings or resources (e.g. books, videos, documentaries, etc…) that I may have assigned for the day.
One advantage of the course website (compared to Blackboard) is that it is accessible to anyone, and interested students can keep visiting the site and check for updates even after the semester is over. In addition, they can share information which they find interesting or relevant with their relatives. I am always pleased to find out when students try to promote awareness of economic issues by directing people to the course webpages.